The peninsula Djursland on the Danish East Coast is one of the best holiday destinations in the entire country – here's why.
9 reasons for a winter getaway in a Danish holiday home
In Danish, a holiday home is called a summer house. We would argue, however, that a summer house is just as suitable for a winter getaway as it is for a summer break. Here's why.
Open season has begun!
Open season for a lot of birds and mammals has begun! In this article, we will provide an overview of the rules and hunts in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Germany.
An Exciting Holiday at Lake Garda
No time for boredom: 7 big and small adventures for an exciting summer holiday
Holiday in Frederikssund: Here are our 5 best holiday tips
Frederikssund is a breathtaking town, located on the eastern shore of Roskilde Fjord, only one-hour drive from the capital of Denmark.On the other side of the fjord lies the Hornsherred Peninsula, a beautiful area surrounded by water.
Football Wonderland
On the outskirts of Hejsager close to the Sandvig Bay lies the Hejsager Football Golf course, where you can combine your football and golfing skills in one place.
The largest golf paradise in Denmark
Play golf in the highly recognised Silkeborg Ry Golf club - Denmark's largest top quality club which is hosting the European Tour in 2018.
Tarzan among the dinosaurs in Herault
Autumn holiday is upon us. Here are some ideas if you go to Herault with kids